Wednesday 7 November 2012

Zoya ~ Zuza

Ok, what's with that name? Seriously, is Zuza an actual name or is Zoya going all O.P.I. on us with the names? It's first I ever heard of Zuza and I've heard tons of different names. Then again, my name is  weird for most people, so perhaps I'm doing Zuzas great injustice and we belong in the same name camp. But still, I wish Zoya would reach to some more known names, Europeans have thousands of names that they never used before and are well known. 

Putting the name aside ... again I show you a colour I absolutely adore but it is impossible to show on photos. Although I haven't forgotten about Lotus, Zuza was just to beautiful to skip again. It is such a gorgeous colour. Alas, it always turns out too blue or too green on my photos, I tried every single lighting there was around me. I also think most of internet swatches are inaccurate. Vampy Varnish and My Lucid Bubble succeeded in capturing the real shade, IMHO, but most of what I see is just too green. And mine are  too blue. Also, imagine the colour much much more vivid. Incredibly cheerful colour, reminds me of an awesome summer day, when it's not disgustingly hot but just right and you're just about to travel to a new destination and when you get there, it simply rocks.

And this is how it turned out in my lightbox. Mix the upper colour with this one and you got the real shade of Zuza.
The only thing I like about my photos is that you can notice the complex shimmer Zuza has. Although it appears mostly silver, it does contain tiny tiny specks of other colours too. Just don't expect to see it often. :) Oh, this baby also likes to stain. I redid one of my nails and was too lazy to apply the base coat again and ended up with one of my nails going Smurftasic on me. One coat of base coat did suffice though, so it is not the worst stainer I've met.

Zuza is a part of Zoya Surf Collection for Summer 2012, really awesome collection IMO. Three coats for my nails for a complete coverage and a wonderful application. 

Which was the most difficult colour to shoot you ever posted?

Thank you for reading!


  1. Po moje gre tu za izpeljanko imena Zuzana, zato mi ne zveni tako nenavadno. Ampak je vreden za zapomniti si.
    Čudovita barva! Pa zelo dobro si jo opisala s poletno prispodobo.

    Meni je bil za fotografiranje najbolj nemogoč Sinful Colors Rise and Shine. Napisala sem že cel post in potem ga nisem uspela realno poslikati, zato sem obupala nad objavljanjem. :( Ti šment.

    P.s: Jaz nimam tako nenavadnega imena, pa sem bila doslej že večkrat poimenovana Arza in Zara. Slednja mi je celo všeč. :D

    1. Ahaaa, Zuzana ... sploh nisem pomislila na to ime, zame je samo Suzana. Hm. Vseeno mi zveni nekako hecno. Sicer pa ja, imam že kar nekaj barv v stashu, ki jih res obožujem, pa objava nikakor ne gre skozi. Tele Zoye me pa sploh spravljajo v obup, ravnokar sem nanesla Lotus, pa spet zgleda preveč modra na slikah. *vzdih* Bo že. :)
      Oh, kar se pa imen tiče, joj, bolje da ne začenjam kaj vse sem že jaz bila. Zanimivo pa da Azra folku ne gre, saj je znano (in zelo lepo, mimogrede) ime. Zdaj mi pa Plavi orkestar poje v glavi. :D

  2. It is actually a name in Polish (and possibly in other Slavic languages it is similar). In English it's Susan, Susanna, Susie etc

    I love this polish :) I hope to get it soon at last. :P

    1. We don't have Zuzana (and are Slavic as well :)), only Suzana, but I guess you're right, since they're similar enough. Oh yes, you have to see it on your nails, I promise you'll love it. :)

  3. Well, you can be named pretty much anything and Zuza doesn't even sound that weird. But I do agree on more common names from Zoya. So I can buy their polishes to my female relatives with common names.

    1. Exactly! I'd love to have a bunch of polish named after my friends. That would be such a perfect gift. :)

  4. Lep, tak poleten <3 Lightbox ti pa dela tako super forke :) Katero žarnico uporabljaš? Oziroma jaz sem zahtevna in bi kar cel post o lightbox-u hehe :D

    1. O lightboxu sem pa že pisala! :) Tule imaš vse opisano o mojem lightboxu, še vedno imam istega, samo še eno lučko sem kupila. :) Žarnice so pa Philippsove dnevne. Pa nikoli jih ni preveč, vsake toliko razmišljam, če bi kupila še tretjo ...

    2. Malenkost, upam da bo uporaben. :) Če ne pa kar piši in vprašaj. :)

  5. Jaz si želim, da bi enkrat ustvaril kdo lak z mojim imenom, po možnosti zelen ali moder.

    Lak pa je seveda prekrasen.

    1. Tudi jaz, moj bi moral biti zelen, da bi bil popoln, čeprav se tudi modrega ne bi branila. To bi bilo pa res superkul. :)

  6. Zuza! My favourite among the Summer collection <3 it is as gorgeous as it's difficult to capture on photos... I love it!

  7. ahhahah, zuza! uf, ful mi je všeč! moja barva!

  8. znam za ime Žuža, ali bas Zuza ne, ali danas ima svakakvih imena, a njima treba puno razlicitih za imenovat sve te lakove. a Zuza je zanimljiva, ne bi mi bila prvi izbor, ali ne bi se bunila ni da je imam. Nego izasle su Hobit karte u pretprodaju na hrpi mjesta, jesi li nabavila svoju?

    1. Ooo, nisam još! Pošto imamo nešto programa u Koloseju na dan premiere, računam na free tickets, rekli su da jih dobijemo, pa ću još malo sačekat. :) Ako išta znam, idem ga gledati za Tolkien društvom, pa sa drugo grupo prijatelja pa još sa mamom, tako da se neću braniti jednog đabe seta karta. :D

    2. mi smo isto tako nesto pokusavali organizirat, ali nisu nam bas ovdje izasli u susret, ali zato smo vise manje svi kupili karte jedni kraj drugih tako da ce bit ludnica :D

  9. Naaaajs. Čeprav me res zanima, kakšna zgleda v živo, tele fotke so čist različne. :D Je pa ime kar mim, ja. :)

    1. V živo trga gate. Resno. Zate bi bil verjetno presvetel, ampak je res čisto nor. Enkrat ga moraš v živo videt. Slike so pa obupne. V bistvu ne vem, zakaj sem ga objavila. Preveč je lep, da bi bila tiho, zgleda. xD

  10. Lep! Všeč mi je kombinacija s šimrom.
    Točno vem, kako težko je pofotkati takšne odtenke. :S

    1. Maestra!! *hug* Šimer res zmaga pri tem odtenku. Base barva tudi, čeprav ni čisto točna na mojih slikah. :/

  11. Kok je leeeep :))) !!!
